miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

Cursed Be The Morn

Cursed be thou oh dreadful morn
All my dreams to pieces torn
Of all hope my heart forlorn
Lust for thee I still, unworn.

luni, 27 aprilie 2009

Two Hours

I felt your perfume just last night
Unveiled thy bosom, softest white
Of pearls away from mortals' sight
Thine inner waves my senses'xcite...

I watched thine words, and felt thy laughter...

How dared not kiss the lips of thee
And throw myself into thy sea
To taste thy touch for just a wee
And quench my burning thirst of thee...

Sipped through thy lips into my soul...

So I just stared and uttered empty words
Exquisitely did ration play my vocal chords
As to convey no hazy feeling
Within my heartbeat's drunken reeling...

And we kept on talking,
Spiced up with a little bit of laughing...

Would it be a mortal sin
If I touched your creamy skin ?

Why dared not kiss the lips of thee ?

duminică, 26 aprilie 2009


Creature of night, born to the light
Of crescent moon, in past's lagoon
On sands so white, morn's flame ignite
In sunshine's bloom, te-ntorci in fum...

vineri, 24 aprilie 2009

Jump! (Just Let Go...)

Imagine this: plutind pe luciul unui vis,
Domol gonind spre paradis, waterfall into abyss,
Sub ceru-nalt de stele-aprins,
Alunecand spre soarele ce-abia s-a stins.

Godlike Creature

Godlike creature...
Others' free will's gone but in a snift
Will subduing, that's your gift...
What about'us mortals left ashore ?
'f our beloved's feelings still unsure...

joi, 23 aprilie 2009

Internal Bleeding (Alcohol-induced Trauma)

[two cars rolling...]
Blazing through my memory's fast-lane
The past[1] looks like a childish game
Blizzard's howl's driving me insane
Reaching for the light[2] frame by frame...

[and eventually crashing...]
No ears were made to hear the shriek
Of metal crammed inside[cars 1 & 2 bumping into each other]
Heart's clock faint tick...
Enjoy the rush of life's joyride...

Crezi ca stii ce vreau sa spun ?
Then your blood's flow please attune
To the ethernal loop of life and death
Ca sa simti prelingerea vietii pe lama-i de sidef...

Lama cui ? Someone might ask...
Lama timpului, separating future time from yonder past...
Lama timpului, pe a carui muchie prapastii se casc'
Si generatii-ntregi se nasc...

Separating future time from long lost past
Might not be an easy task
But for Chronos' mighty blast
E ca si cand ar frange-un firav vreasc...

Sangerez intr-una...rana timpului de s-ar inchide
Linistea mi-as regasi-o-n fine...
What is time ? But a cruel surgeon's scalpel.

miercuri, 15 aprilie 2009

I Love Clichés

Boy loves girl...
And girl loves boy...
What is life but just a ducktoy ?
Helplessly caught in a brief time's swirl...

Ethereal Distillery feat. Dream Machine

Ethereal fumes of unconscious flames
Flowing free within the place our mind reigns
For the immortal soul all the same's
Unfreezing ration's cold icy veins...

House on the Shore

Plump abyss, I rest upon you...
Void you be, I shall find my bliss...
Fantastic dance of metamorphosis
Pe muchie de vis, taramul interzis...

marți, 14 aprilie 2009

Sweet Diamond Tears

Diamonds hold beneath their waves
Every tear I wish I've shed.
Locked away in crystal graves
Idols look so dim and sad
As they're turning into slaves.

Dripping Wet

Drops of water from the sea of the past
Ever falling to the ground so dry and so waste
Languish for the sun to set them to rest
In a place where tears are not bitter of taste
And future questions are still in the nest.

luni, 13 aprilie 2009

Wherefore art Thou for real Not, Untrustful Zeno ?

I slice the future time in half
Si o parte-o ascund in fundul unui raft...
I hope I'll manage anyway somehow
Cu ce-am pastrat din minunatul meu cadou...

I further halve what I have left,
Insure myself in case of theft...
Si in sinea mea tot tin sa sper
Sa nu raman vreodat' lefter...

And so, I kept on chopping: chop, chop, chop...
And then the night came, had to stop...

After a well intended series of halvings
I decided 'twas time to enjoy my savings...

Oh well, to make this story really short...
The old wine bottle to uncork...
I tried one day...

Alas! The good old wine is all but gone!
Ramas-am iar far' nici un ban...

Dream Dwellers

And now I shall be gone...I say...
A little more please now do stay...
And then I'll be on my way
Fading into a new day...

By dusk I will be born anew
In ce vis imi va fi dat sa fiu
Moistened still by morning's dew
Explorand ce tarm ? nu stiu...

Pe-o raza de luna purtat usor
In casa noptii ma strecor
Sarutul tau primesc in zbor
Si-n orele tarzii ma scurg fuior...

miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009

The Eye of God

Ruptured skies...and broken wings...
...cerul se umple-ncet de picaturi de ploaie...
Si furia neantului incet incet se-nmoaie...
Behold the sun...the peace it brings...

Canvas of Dreams

As tomorrow makes the future
Disappear into the past
Every life is just a picture
Of a moment meant to last.

When a painting meets the surface
Of the canvas full of dents
Finds itself trapped in the carcase
Of a dream that never ends.

Blazing Angel

Sweet angel, your heart is burnt
De sori ce-aripile ti-au frant...

Si-n racoarea marii ti-ai gasit alinare
si te-ai ascuns de cruntul soare...

Getting to know you...

Dream-like state of consciousness
I felt your lips
You drew away back into darkness
A stranger in your midst...

Falling asleep (or in love ?)

I've known you for so long
Yet in my dreams you're born
You've kept me in the chilly nights so warm
But like fire I rediscover you in every storm...


In a land that's long forgotten
All my dreams would never end
Keeping me awake and drunken
So I'd never part that land.

In a soul that's slowly dying
Desert winds blow only sand.

O floare de liliac

Mi se topesc culori in minte...
Si vise-ncet se scurg spre nori...
Iar flori rasar printre cuvinte...
Parfumul lor cu dulci fiori...