luni, 13 aprilie 2009

Wherefore art Thou for real Not, Untrustful Zeno ?

I slice the future time in half
Si o parte-o ascund in fundul unui raft...
I hope I'll manage anyway somehow
Cu ce-am pastrat din minunatul meu cadou...

I further halve what I have left,
Insure myself in case of theft...
Si in sinea mea tot tin sa sper
Sa nu raman vreodat' lefter...

And so, I kept on chopping: chop, chop, chop...
And then the night came, had to stop...

After a well intended series of halvings
I decided 'twas time to enjoy my savings...

Oh well, to make this story really short...
The old wine bottle to uncork...
I tried one day...

Alas! The good old wine is all but gone!
Ramas-am iar far' nici un ban...

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