miercuri, 30 decembrie 2009

Holy Ghost ?

Si tot ce-ating sunt umbre a tot ce-a fost
Of things not meant to be, forever lost
In umbra cald-a zilei ce a fost
I dream of shadows that the past have crossed...

And I don't know of what I dream or whom
Caci tot se pierde-n valatuci de fum...
And all is blackened now, whole world's in gloom
O noapte-un vis s-au prefacut in scrum...

Picioarele-mi tarasc cu greu prin scrum...
S-au adunat atatea pan-acum
Sperante, amintiri se-astern pe drum
Si nori, si vantul imi miroase-a fum...

My feet grow tired in their walk too soon
They fail me bitterly'n my gloom
Vointa-mi vise stinse imi rapun
Si sufletu-mi-necat de-un vant nebun...

Prin bezna caut sa te aflu iar
Sa-ti vad iar chipul, sa te-aud macar
Dar tot ce-ating sunt umbre doar
Ce-n intuneric cresc si-n vis dispar...

Oh brethren come, and sisters say
Upon your hearts what holds such sway...

Akin we're born to this old thorn
In blood must pay to float our way
Along the Styx lost in the mist

Whispering thy name...

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