sâmbătă, 27 octombrie 2012

On Elliptical Impossibility ?

Es gibt noch multe'ascunse
Vom Licht noch nie patrunse...

Unglaubliche verlorene Geschichte
Gresit transcrisa-n furibunda pripa
Tacut si nevazut prin goluri se-nfiripa...

Acorduri nasc in spatiul mut...
Subtiri se-ascut, le-ascult pierdut...

Ihr schätztet nie cele nespuse
Si nepatruns timpul se scurse...

And that is where all stays forbidden...
And plump and sweetly answer ridden...

Thou shalt not eat the fruit of Eden !

duminică, 29 iulie 2012

Awoke he...

Awoke he then one day to rule the world
His foot upon their necks, the backs so curl'd...
And feet to neck...

Paper figures made of skin
Bones and feelings crammed within
Flesh too often lost to sin...

Awoke he then one day to rule the world
To die the next by his own sword...

luni, 23 iulie 2012

Hunting Grounds

Amongst the wolves thou treadst the night
Pierduti-n umbre toti se-nhait'
And slip through every beam of light
Pierduti-n bezna crunt se vait'...

Unearthly howls...pack stealth'ly crawls
Its purpose foul's...its gaze appals
The very beat of light within
Their fiery eyes engorged in sin...

And carriest thou thy laughter light
And steps thine heart pours through the night...