duminică, 7 iulie 2013

Religions condensed...

Ich bitte um Vergebung...
Ich bitte um Vergeltung...
Ich bitte um Vernichtung...

Und das ist alles...und das war gut...

marți, 7 mai 2013


And lips...they're soft...
And fruit they bore
The world...forbidden first
Then there...then nor
A ghost, nor more...

And now I do...

I know they were...

vineri, 19 aprilie 2013

He expired way too soon...

Entitled to no thing
But more and more and more...

Have we ever really gott'n there
And have we ever forgotten where

Hollowed helmets rotting in the sun
Souls shallowly claimed at the tip of a gun

Bodies meticulously blown asunder
Gefühle, Glieder fliegen durcheinander
To build a world of yet unheard-of wonder ?

Und jedoch gibt's zurzeit dort keinen Mann,
Der das versprochene Jenseits bewundern kann...

'Cause unforgiven, unaware they crave
Their lives to claim back from the grave
And wooden rotten bodies would they stave
To reach their souls, the world and all they gave

Away for promises fulfilled only too late...

duminică, 31 martie 2013


Und morgen tot
Wecken wir uns...

The night itself stills now
Und Morgens Kinder stillt sie noch...

Erstickend brennen sie...
Its children screaming born into the light of day...

Too late for darkness, must burn now...

The dreams go sile'nto the night...

Morgenrot...oh Morgenrot...

Sounds forbidden...notes they play...
Springs undone, no days of May...
Songs unwritten, songs too gay...
Clouds not meant to fly away...

Kansas' stills - scarecrows decay...
Rainbows rot in dreadful gray.

joi, 28 martie 2013


I know...where non-equilibrium lies...

I fought...my wisdom to the night...
Besides the feelings...beside the gods...
Into the nothingness...

And there are keywords...
That decisively...the human soul condemn...
Oh white from light...so strange...

The days...they pray into the night...

Oh but I see... the amber sea...and their deceit...
'til midnight falls...shall all...

..inside...could never be...

Tomorrow's bells...for nothing ring...


sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2013

City of Stills

Und was wir wollen, there it will,
Als stünde dort die Zeit noch still,
Inanimate, geboren werden will

Time, all we will have ever gotten...

Wir vorbereiten uns mit Stahl und Feuer
Alas ! The demon beckons us still coyer...

All we need still time is called...

And all we've got is time, not more...

marți, 15 ianuarie 2013

All is...

Fleeting, beating, standing still...
Waning, hoping, quiv'rin'...
Dancing, wishing, waking will...
To be born, to die, 've been...
